Post Mobile Prepaid
Only pay for what you actually use.

Post Mobile Prepaid
- It doesn't get more flexible than this
- Full control, no contract, no invoice
- CHF 30.- credit included
- Free calls to Post Mobile and Salt
- CHF 0.25/min to all Swiss networks. Once the amount of the current call has reached CHF 1.50 (equivalent to 6 minutes), additional minutes to complete the current hour will be free of charge.
- CHF 0.15/SMS
- CHF 1.99/day for unlimited all-day internet surfing with Unlimited Surf.
- Top up credit at any time online or in one of our Post branches.
CHF 29.95
Advantages of your Post Mobile Prepaid card
No bill
You won't spend a penny more.
Cost Control
Keep your cost under control with our Cost Control service.
No obligation
Maximum flexibility without a minimum contract term.
Network coverage
99.9% coverage of the Swiss population based on aggregate 3G, 4G and 5G signals.
Online with a voucher, credit card or in myaccount
At the Swiss Post or PostFinance and Volg stores that offer Swiss Post’s range
At SBB Ticket Machines
In our partner shops: KKiosk, Avec, Press & Books
In Switzerland
500 MB
CHF 4.90 /30 days
1 GB
CHF 9.90 /30 days
20 GB
CHF 19.90 /30 days
How to activate a Data Pack?
Make sure you are connected to a mobile network.
This will not work if you are using Wi-Fi.
Go to Cost Control. This website is free to use worldwide, you will not be charged for accessing it.
Choose the Data Pack that matches your needs. The Data Pack will be activated immediately.
*Internet access via the satellite network is not available.
You can recharge your balance at any time and from anywhere.
- Online with a voucher Prepaid recharge > Voucher
- Online with a credit card Prepaid recharge > Different Payment Methods
- In My Account with a voucher or a credit card
- At Swiss Post, PostFinance or at Volg stores that offer Swiss Post’s range
- In our partners shops: KKioks, Avec, Press & Books
SBB ticket machines
If you have a voucher:
- Enter #121*RECHARGECODE# or #121*RECHARGECODE#PHONENUMBER# (if you want to recharge someone else’s Prepaid balance), without spaces and press the call button. The number must have the format 41781234567.
Or - Call our Recharge hotline 0800 780 720 / +41 78 780 7200 (chargeable from abroad).
With an affordable and convenient Post Mobile Prepaid SIM card, you have two options to choose from to benefit from calls & SMS and internet:
• a limited credit that decreases over the course of your usage, or
• an unlimited credit that expires on a specific date.
The Post Mobile Prepaid SIM card competes with monthly mobile phone subscriptions, as it is an extremely advantageous solution for certain users.
First, for users who use their mobile phone only occasionally or who do not want to spend so much money, the Prepaid SIM card is a good choice. Today, these users can choose cards with a minimum range of services. Their price adapts to the range of functions offered by the card.
Secondly, some people only want to make international calls in certain exceptional cases. With the Prepaid SIM card, it is no longer necessary to subscribe to a price plan that includes cross-border communication. This applies equally to users abroad or on a road trip who urgently need to make a call to a person in another country.
Thirdly, for people who easily lose track of their mobile phone usage, Prepaid is the optimal solution. Once the credit is used up, the card is deactivated and you can no longer use the services until you renew them. This option also ensures that you do not exceed your monthly budget.
Since it does not require a subscription and is therefore completely non-binding, it can be activated from one day to the next without having to be constantly renewed afterwards. One of the advantages of this solution is therefore its flexible use.
You can buy Post Mobile Prepaid SIM cards anywhere, for example at authorised retailers such as certain tobacconists, libraries or large supermarkets, but also at mobile phone providers or network operators.
In Switzerland, Post Mobile offers a solution for buying or recharging your Prepaid SIM card online. Post Mobile allows you to easily activate your card so you can use it whenever you want.
Note: The Post Mobile Prepaid offers are suitable for all types of devices: mobile phones and smartphones. The latest models can also be dual-SIM compatible.
Unlike traditional subscriptions, the Post Mobile Prepaid SIM card is activated at the request of the user. After the card has been activated, your usage of the services is either time-limited or limited by the available credit.
Most providers offer different recharging options:
• With the classic recharge, you benefit from a fixed credit for internet, SMS and calls. Once the credit has been used up, you must reactivate your credit by recharging your card.
• With an unlimited recharge, you benefit from all telecommunication services and unlimited internet for a fixed period of time.
• With an international recharge, you benefit from an exact credit for internet, SMS and calls abroad. In some cases, the duration or tariff of telecommunication services depends on the countries to which calls are made or SMS are sent.